Thursday, March 21, 2013

most merciful God

LICE! We are now experts as each one in our family has had them. I must say, the idea of them is worse then the actual little buggers but don't get me wrong, they are a huge nuisance. Magnolia turned 7 this month. She is the joy of my heart. Anyone who knows my history with Maggie might furrow a brow at that comment but it is true. She is becoming quite the little lady. Last night she warmed my heart as we played try to make me laugh. The boys, Maggie and I each took turns. We soon realized Maggie is the easy target because sister would laugh at ANYTHING. I took delight in the giggles that shook her body until her stomach ached. It was so fun. To laugh that easily is a gift I hope she never loses. So thankful to share life with Ms Magnolia Ann. On a side note...she is the one who got lice first. I tell her all the time what amazing hair she has. There is a lot, it is thick, dark and gorgeous. Lice apparently love Maggie's hair as much as I do. It has been hardest to control with her. Life in our home is chaotic and electric. We have been on a journey of faith this past year that has been full of highs and lows. Most importantly we have experienced so many new levels of growth and have been given so many opportunities to confront ourselves. I am being changed. As I experience God's continuous love, my heart is softening toward myself and toward others... We are not ever sure of our next step but we are learning as a family to have faith that God is guiding us and that he has a purpose for our lives. In it all, there have been so many times that God has been present and speaking. This Lent season has been one of those times for sure. The struggle of the unknown has felt like the way to the Cross and we have asked God more times than I can count, "Where are you or what is next? Those thoughts are always coupled with "Lord I believe. Help my unbelief!!!!". We are learning acceptance with Joy, learning that the stability we crave and had believed came through monetary means, is not what we are after. Our stability comes only from a trust and faith in a God that is good and will take care of us. The financial piece is neither here nor there. He will provide. Money comes as we need it. Each of us are invited into a crazy upside down Kingdom with a sovereign King. A kingdom where the first are last and the last are first. A kingdom where a few loaves of bread and fish can feed multitudes. A kingdom whose King says that "anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it". A kingdom with a resurrected King. We make ourselves available and enjoy the foolish adventure of participating in this Story. We look forward to Easter with a renewed Hope...I am excited!!!!!!!!!!!

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