Wednesday, March 23, 2011


we have been hammered by the true flu over the past 10 days. Everyone but Marion has been out. It seems to be ending with antibiotics for at least 2 of the kids, not a victorious end but an end none the less. We have been in a funk, fog, and each of us has been so cranky. I have said things I regret, I have wanted space from my family and wondered why I could not maneuver my way through this thing with an ounce of grace. I have wonderful memories of my mother when I was sick. She comforted, cared and loved so well. Her presence was a gift. I actually wonder what my own kids would say about me during there recent sickness. Suffice it to say I was not as nurturing about it as my own mother. I was just plain impatient. I do love them though and if I can see through the mom guilt eyes tonight I can redirect my energy to try again tomorrow. So melancholy on here all the time..and hoping for a better day with my sweet babies and of course my husband who is equally as endearing (occasionally : ))

my life is actually wonderful and happy. my husband just kicked me off my blog so that he can watch a movie. LAME.

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