Thursday, September 2, 2010

life as I see it right now

I write all of the time in this journal about being overwhelmed because I think I am most of the time...I feel like God has been reminding me that I am a mother because I am called to be a mother by HIM. I know I am where I am supposed to be. In that calling I think I should feel the presence of God as I go about my daily tasks and live this life with my family. It turns out though that most of the time that is not the case. Most of the time, I awake and my day controls me. I barely get through it before it tumbles into another day and by then I have lost complete control. I want our home to be a Holy place. I want to feel God's presence as I do our tasks and I want my children to feel His presence as well. I have spent years making lists and schedules. Sometimes I thrive by them and sometimes they bring more guilt because I then can see all of the areas I am failing. I am going to take a different approach...though schedule and lists are a must for my life I want to be more intentional about meditation, rest and being in God's presence. I want to be able to ask Him to order my day, to give me life and creativity and above all Wisdom in it. This is what I need, I cannot go it alone. A friend was praying for Kyle and I this weekend and I was reminded that Jesus loves me and my children. Somehow that seemed like a new thought, though I know it my heart has forgotten it. I am trying to remember. I will not make it through this life without guidance and love from my Father. God is good, I will trade in my heavy, confused and burdened heart for Jesus yoke...His burden is easy and light...easy and light it will be.


  1. kelsie,
    thank you for posting this. i'm beginning week three as a mother of two on my own, with aaron now back to school, and i've already had some very overwhelming days. it's good to be reminded of these things. it seems i can't be reminded enough. last week the teaching at our church was about the Father's love for us & how it doesn't change no matter what we do or don't do. it is. His love is. we are His daughters & He is pleased with us. though my days may feel hectic & overwhelming & that i'm not living up to the standard i'd like to be... His love is always there. and i want to rest in His presence, too. i need it. it's too hard to go it alone. like you said: i want Him to order my day, not just my lists and schedules. because lists & schedules never go away - they are heavy. but yes, His burden is light.
    He is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow. and oh, how He loves us.
    thanks, kelsie.

  2. I think we're both coming back to a place we left awhile ago...and it feels good to be back. It's been a journey hasn't it? Miss you, friend. Miss our lives interacting daily. But, love you just as much.

  3. I am at this point in my life also. I have a prayer that someone sent me that just asks God to walk through my house, take my worries, illnesses and watch over me and heal my family. Matthew 11:28-30 is a perfect scripture to claim. love you Susie. Nana

  4. thank you for this. i just have one sweet child and get overwhelmed at the sheer responsibility of it all. however, i am not alone. i forget that all the time, even though i've been a follower of Jesus for a long time. his mercies are new every morning, and for that i'm grateful because i need it. i need Jesus.

    you're a beautiful mother.

