Saturday, March 6, 2010

today march 6th

Happy birthday to the best nana and mother in law!! Today we were able to celebrate Maggie and Nana together at a family party at our house. It was a good time. Mags enjoyed it immensely, was thrilled with her many princess presents and was just plain happy. On wed, her actual birthday. we will celebrate her with some friends at Galaxy. My girl is 4. With that has come a little more stability on her part and hopefully a bit more more on mine. She just seems so much more grown up. There is a HUGE difference from 3 to 4. She will be a great big sister. Speaking of being a big sister...the pregnancy is moving along, I am 36 weeks. Our home visit is Monday and that means the baby is welcome to come any time after that. I am large and not so in charge these days. My body hurts but my energy has seemed to hold up. I think that is in part to my dear Hannah coming and creating peace out of the havoc of our home. She has been wonderful about cleaning, moving furniture, painting, organizing and just moving my life forward in this space in ways I am not capable of. ( My capability on a lot of those things has nothing to do with pregnancy I just am NOT an efficient home keeper). Hannah is a gift and I love her. The week went way too fast. The conversation has been good, not being rushed to talk about anything and nothing and just having time has been great. I am thankful. Now I will move my attention more toward preparing for birth literally and mentally. It won't be long I am ready and not ready all at the same time. The beauty there, is that it is not up to me. There is a time for this baby to be born and I get to wait for it...and waiting I will do. My body at this point is giving me no choice.

1 comment:

  1. your body is strength... when it is neccesary.
    you will be ready... when it is time.
    i believe in you!
    and you believe in you.
    praise be to god.
