Friday, March 12, 2010


is it normal to be SO MOODY at this point??? I hope so because I am frustrated all day long...frustrated with how I feel, frustrated that my children create mess which is work and frustrated that I have to do any kind of work at all. It is like being in a permanent state of PMS. blah. I have worked really really hard to get Maggie to poop on the potty and that is just making my blood boil. She has not gone in 3 or 4 days and is positively refusing. We have not left the house because I do not want to go out and have her poop her pants but I am asking myself, is it worth this fight? she is screaming I am furious and we have a tendency to bring out the worst in each other anyway. She does not pull the power struggle with Kyle and then again, he does not pull it with her. Nonsense, all of it. My biggest complaint this pregnancy has been feeling out of control and that continues to be the root of everything. If i could have it my way my children would behave perfectly, the house would be spotless, I would have an over abundance of energy and patience and we would be enjoying our days rather than trying to figure out how to survive through them. Just as I got rid of my sinus infection I got hit with another change of the season cold, so I am still fighting snot. tomorrow will be better. I hope.

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