Monday, January 18, 2010

lazy lazy

Today Canaan was home from school so it really felt like another weekend day. I acted like it was another weekend day. We hung out and it was real chill around here. I have said it before but that seems to be my life these days...chill. I don't get over excited about much. 10 weeks to go. I think that snail pace for 10 weeks may be a bit excessive so hopefully something will motivate me. Lianne and I have been looking at "crafty" things to do and I think a project is in sight. I am excited about that! I do not have skills but I want to try. I can learn. I know I can.

On another note, we had let Canaan start eating a little gluten over the holidays mostly because I had not been putting a huge emphasis on food. I was wanting to be under the impression that it was fine but it was not. He was getting fidgety and flapping in ways that we have not seen in a long time. the good news is that I learned again that there is a reason he is on a gfcf diet...the bad news is I think the whole family needs to follow suit now. There is just no way for me to sustain making 2 meals at every meal plus Canaan is starting to notice he eats differently. He is not happy about that so I think if I can get creative about the gf stuff because it affects all of us, then I will make decent meals. I hope.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot even imagine cooking with those limitations. Heck, I can barely imagine cooking without limitations... Have you checked out ? Some good stuff there.
