Friday, January 8, 2010


yesterday "stinker pants" turned 2. why I gave him that awful nickname I will never know...and yet he lives up to it daily. As we move into the 2's it is even more so. The child has an idea in his head about the way EVERYTHING should be and proceeds to try to boss the rest of the house into his way. He is so cute about it, that you just kind of want to oblige. He is funny, smart, extremely physical when he plays and brings so much fun to this house. We celebrate Francis tonight with the family in a simple 2 yr old way. He will get a few more trains, get to blow out candles and that will be about it. He will love it. I am still extremely attached to his beautiful birth and seeing him so big makes me sad. He is my baby for a few short months but somehow even now he isn't. He really wants to be one of the big kids and chases Mags and Canaan around the house. HE is starting to speak much more clearly and talks all the time. He is in love with much so that my name has gone from Mommy to Manaan...literally. I will take it. I love my little boy.

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