Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

This post may come in 2 parts. It is 8:30am and the kids are still asleep! I am as excited or more for them today. They have embraced EVERY aspect of the Christmas experience and this will be the climax for them. Kyle got the room ready last night. I came downstairs and tears welled up in my eyes when I saw his hard work at being "santa" It brought back so many memories for me of childhood and how much love my parents put into Christmas Day and our lives. There is so much materialism associated with Christmas but I am getting to old and soft to want to be the judge of it. Honestly, at this point I just want to enjoy my children and watch them enjoy the magic. They each have something special this year sitting out ready for them...Canaan a keyboard, Mags an art easel, and Francis a train table. They will be so thrilled. Our families have generously blessed us once again (they do ALL THE TIME). They are the ones who were the real gift givers to our children this year. "Family, we love you and your continuous generosity brings tears to my eyes the Christmas morning. Thank you for loving us unconditionally...all of you. Merry Christmas". Yep, now I am officially crying.

on another note, Christmas Eve was special as well. Church at Lower Lights was intimate, with family communion around the alter. Our family gathered here last night for a feast that my father would refer to as the "glorious presentation" It was a spread for sure. The kids loved this night as well, maybe Francis most of all. That boy is all Willoughby when it comes to celebrating. Well I guess there is time for coffee with the husband before the kids get up!

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