Monday, November 9, 2009

Kyle and I watched Twilight last night

yep. everyone warned me that it was pretty terrible so I had extremely low expectations. The funny thing is I actually liked it. It redeemed the love story for me because I did not have to hear Bella's thoughts and some of the exchanges looked much more natural than they sound in the story. We had fun watching it. Silly. Kyle and I love to watch things like that together and it is fun. I told him if I was in High School I probably would have gotten into the hype myself but now I really just like the Vampire stuff and am completely disconnected from the love story.

I imagine next we will read Harry Potter together and watch each movie in between each book. That should help get through the winter. I better finish Twilight (I am on book 3) so that we can start that. I am listening to the Chipmunks Christmas with my children this morning and they love it. As is in true Meyers form these days Mags and I are not dressed yet. We tend to do that around 10am these days. I need to get a new notebook to make my lists. I lost mine and I really don't know how to get through the day without writing down my tasks. I guess my first task is to get a new notebook...soon.

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