Wednesday, October 14, 2009

good week

This is a good week. Kyle's birthday is tomorrow and we will celebrate together in the morning by going to breakfast. I cannot wait. We have not been out of our house alone together in 2 months. I have just been too sick. Tomorrow will be fun. I am so excited to have breakfast at North Star in the morning that I may not be able to sleep. I will say, my ravenous appetite and lack of funding means that I will have breakfast at home first thing and follow that with a smaller second breakfast at North Star. Oh the sacrifices a mother makes! My husband has been a dream. Just tonight I came home to him folding clothes after cleaning up the kitchen and doing some vacuuming, oh yeah and he had just put all 3 kids to bed. He does more than his share around here and it makes our home a much smoother place. I love him.

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