Thursday, October 29, 2009

breathe on these dry bones

set me free. break these chains. These lines are from a vineyard song (scripture) from our Cambridge days. Those were good days...thinking about them today. I had a great visit at my midwives office yesterday. They were super encouraging. I am going to read one of Ina May Gaskin's book and a hypo birthing book. Should be interesting. I heard the heartbeat yesterday. This is a normal thing but somehow yesterday it actually meant something. It was loud and so fast and I connected to the baby in my womb for the first time. Up until now this pregnancy has been about me and only me. I am excited. I started to imagine him/her and being that I have three Meyers children I know a bit about what the baby will look like, be like and I will be so happy to meet our fourth. Trick or treat today and Harvest party at school...Fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Hearing the heartbeat isn't always so normal friend, don't take it for granted. So glad Baby Meyers is seeming more real to you and you're filled with anticipation over her or his arrival. Love you.
