Friday, December 16, 2011

upside down kingdom

This is the kingdom I am a part of. A kingdom where the first are last and last are first. A kingdom where the weak are made strong and strong are made weak. A kingdom whose king offers me to trade in my burdens and take up his light and easy yoke.

I have been frazzled, busy, and my days have been dictated by a schedule that is filled for me before I even get out of bed. This has been my reality for about three weeks now. In the stillness of this Friday morning, I am turning my gaze from my busy schedule, to my king. This king who chose to become lowly and weak in a very broken world. Not just THE broken world, but MY broken world. How can I, in light of this truth, continue to spin in the nothingness of my many December obligations? My schedule my not change today but my heart will. My heart is bowed before a king in a manger. a King who I love with everything in me and a king who has and does love me like no other.

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