Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Marathon (Update)

It is not even fair for me to start posting about this yet because there are so many thoughts on so many levels about how I feel right now. Two days post marathon and this mom is HURTING! It was hard, I am wondering what the heck I did that for : ) and I realize there is so much that needs to be thought through about who I am. There were amazing moments, there were difficult moments and there was victory, not in the accomplishment but in being DONE with something so hard. I know my story will be different in weeks and months to come but suffice it to say the challenge on Sunday was not insignificant, I feel weak. I am excited to work through my emotions. Nothing is ever what you think it will be. It is good to confront and try to find truth in the midst of mental and physical pain. We will see what I come up with out of this!

My girls got me through it. Lianne, Molly and Karen carried me to the finish line and I could not have done it alone. I think there was a bit of pride on my part to step out and attempt something so challenging alone, and in the end I know I could not have done it without my friends. Their support meant everything and I do not say that lightly. It was such a huge symbol for me that they crossed the finish with me. These three girls began my running life with me, I NEVER would have begun running if I did not have their companionship, conversation and simple company when I was learning to run. I knew my dependence on them then and I was able to realize that I still depend on them now. Such a gift...there are many many many more things to process but that is all for today. Now someone tell me how to go up and down three flights of stairs with these darn quads!!! AAGGHH!!

Kelsie Half Marathon 2008

Kelsie Full Marathon 2011

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