Saturday, November 20, 2010


this was the day I gave birth to my beautiful Canaan. Tomorrow he will be 7 YEARS OLD!! Before I was a mom and even when Canaan was a baby I never could have imagined having a kid...I would see kids this age and feel totally disconnected to them but now that my little man is 7 I love it. He is funny, inquisitive and his own person. He is a joy to teach and talk too and I love relating to him as my son and not just my little one. It is such a different stage (as I love to point out the obvious) there is so much for us to learn together. Suffice it to say Canaan is fantastic big brother setting a wonderful example to the 3 children younger than him. I love you my sweet boy.


  1. Canaan we love you! As was written on your fancy gift bag, you are a very special best friend to my Trey. Happy Birthday!

  2. He is our special boy. Nana does love her Canaan. I did love being there the day you were born...First Austin, then Will, then Cane Cane. I am just so blessed to be your Nana!
