Friday, January 29, 2010

31 weeks

in an ideal world that would mean 9 weeks left. I reality, for me, that means 10 or 11 weeks. Regardless, the baby will be here soon. The past few months have flown by and all of us in this house are really excited to meet our newest addition. the kids in particular can't wait although Canaan gave me some specifications. " Mommy are you going to scream?" (in regards to labor) I said maybe and he said "I will be going to Nana's when you have the baby I do not want to be around for that" He hates unfamiliar sounds, so much that he probably won't come near the baby in the beginning if it is crying. Maggie on the other hand would probably choose to be up close and personal. She continues to refer to the baby that is in her tummy as Gabby and I am sure when my baby is born hers will be as well. Now Francis is about as clueless as any 2 yr old would be. He still thinks that my popped out belly button is the baby and that is enough for him. He has grown up so much over the past few months though that I expect him to fall into the big brother roll pretty quickly. I feel ok, some days I am really tired others are not so bad. I get overwhelmed WAY to easily and even if I have just one thing scheduled for the day that is more than enough for me. today I plan on cleaning and that will make it a successful day even if I only get one room done. I love my family, my husband and Grammy continue to pick up my slack and I am spoiled. I have crazy dreams most nights...last night I dreamed that on top of having a baby we got a couple of foster kids and adopted some from Haiti. I was trying to nurse every one and it was not working out. A few nights before that I birthed 8 at one time.... i wish.

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