Friday, December 4, 2009


I am a sucker for it. I LOVE having things to look forward to, things that are the same in a good way. Christmas brings it out in me the most, as I am sure it does for many many people. This year has been more exciting than ever though because our children are all over it. They are loving the advent wreath and advent calendar. We have been eating around the dining room table each evening with our advent candle lit and christmas music. It has felt sacred and so so joyful. Kyle and I took them yesterday evening to pick out an ornament that was special to them. This is another tradition we hope to continue. Our kids did not disappoint. They were so excited. Maggie quickly found a little mermaid ornament, Canaan an old school arcade game ornament, and Francis found the Hot Rods, all completely appropriate for where our childrens' hearts are at this stage of their lives. For them, it is simply exciting to have something to hang on the tree, but for me, I was imagining opening the same boxes 15 years from now and remembering their joyful childhood which somehow gets better and better.

After we picked out ornaments we wandered into Larsons, a great toy store on Lane Ave. Canaan made my day. He had no use for any toys and was even walking around a bit bored until he discovered the whoopie cushions. I showed him how they work and what people do with them. He laughed SO HARD. Canaan has this high pitch laugh (kind of like his dad) that only comes out when he thinks things are really funny. So after a 1/2 hour in Larsons, mostly trying to get us to sit on the whoopie cushion, Canaan knew that was what he wanted for Christmas. He is one funny kid. Did I mention the stinkin thing is only $4?


  1. I love this post. It gives me warm holiday fuzzies. And it makes me want a tree...

  2. I still open ornaments that bring back memories of Kyle talking Grammy into buying for him. We used to eat Sunday lunch at a pizza place right next door to the Hallmark Shop. Boy did he have Grammy pegged! Tigger is still pulling on Winnie the Poo right now on our tree. One of the first "moving" ornaments!

  3. I'm not sure how I found my way to your blog, but this entry sure made my soul feel hopeful.
    -Kelly Young
