Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I started liquid chlorophyll this week. It is supposed to put more oxygen in the blood stream and give you more energy. I feel good today so maybe it is working??? I am sure there is non sense to much I try outside of exercise and eating right does. That does not stop my experiments. My life happens to be an experiment, always trying to find the next best thing for myself and our family. I can be rather inconsistent and loud about my choices, consistently revealing those inconsistencies. I accept and maybe even embrace that. It is really really fun. Mags has been at Grand Daddy and Nana's house since Saturday. I realize how much she adds to our house in terms of noise, energy, chaos, and above all joy. That girl is a stinkin force to be reckoned with and she is so good for our family. I have enjoyed the quiet for a moment but I am really starting to miss her. Our family is not whole without her here. She is happy though. She needs ALOT of individualized attention and no one does that better than her Nana. It is good for her to be there and great for she and I to have a bit of space from eachother. When I have the energy for her, it is always so much more pleasant in our relationship.

Applesauce day was yesterday. We canned 61 quarts and 35 pints. I love homemade applesauce and as soon as I tasted this years batch I had so many memories. Now those memories only go back about 1 year but I think as the canning years go on there will be great memories associated with it. This years memory includes Lianne and Grammy slaving away and yet each of us somehow finding great satisfaction in a rote task. Grammy may have sat and chopped apples for 6 hours. Canning with her in particular, will always be special for me. Time to get the kids up and Canaan off to school.

Last thought, I had Canaan's parent teacher conference last night and it was great. He is doing well, is bright, and learning quickly. The best part was that there was no mention of any kind of disability or delay. No mention was needed. He is thriving in his classroom this year and is so happy to be there. That makes me so excited!!! Kyle and I are proud of how hard he works and of his gentle sweet spirit. He is a precious boy.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie and I are having a great time. She has such a great imagination that as she talks to her "friends" I am always thinking she is talking to me. She is a little bossy so I see myself alot in her!
